Sunday, 1 December 2019


Anna takes time out from a calendar shoot to get a few snaps with Scratcher. I had the bodywork off the previous day and everything was good to go mechanically. Decent burnout and creep up to the lights and there is a large crowd in the stands now. This would ultimately be quicker as she got the hang of it, and much easier as well. So another bye run that Anna ran very well and…bam…. Guess which one of us sped up for the raised rail-road tracks? The air pressure was now correct and we had some heat in the car and although we had some traffic I nailed a few laps pretty good. 1320video tx2k13

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However some of the online stuff got heated into race car vs street car or v8 vs boosted v6 or whatever. Justin was all smiles and asked questions about the transmission and brakes and shifter and tires.

I told him he was welcome to ride during the Time Attack and Justin quickly said he was ready to go.

Dyno'd strong as well. Jeremy's roadrace GTR looking great with the skycamo dip!! Some full on race cars were there like Scratcheras well as street cars on all-season tires.

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Sadly, by the time we got there 1320fideo ready, there was time for only one pass that afternoon but it went well. It does not take a lot of convincing and soon Alex was sliding in the passenger seat and away we went for Session 2. Great group of 1320vdeo we all had a great visit about the track and the event.

Those keyboard warriors need to step back from the monitor and attend an event to realize we are all just car junkies anyway. Huge thanks to Travis tamu and Alex for the help! We see that we get to errr As we come down the banking he regains forward vision again and seems ok until I again shed 30mph for T3. Scratcher had just won both days at a NARRA event, resetting lap records both days 1320videk winning a free set of Pirelli race rubber to boot!

The run-up to Tx2K13 came quickly and with precious little spare time. We had one more open session and after we again turned the car around Travis slid in for a ride and away we went.

The six of us drivers chat a good bit as the crowd gathers and Peter brings the trophies and sponsors over for the presentation. Anyway, with no in-car timer I just have to believe that 1320viddo went fast enough to do well. If that sounds like something you'd like, plan to be here for Tx2k14 in March!!

Guess which one of us sped up for the raised 1320vudeo tracks? With our open sessions done, we walked the paddock and talked to a lot of folks. JoTech Racing's photo page: Both of them have a lot of car experience and are more than capable with tools and with Scratcher being pretty simple, they were gx2k13 pretty quick.

Video: 1, HP Turbo/Nitrous Diesel Truck Ousts A Viper At TX2K13 - Street Muscle

If you're a car person and like them fast, this is the place to be. We got to Hennessey before most of the rest of the crew and began to setup for the dyno day by getting vendors in their spots and organizing our materials. It is fx2k13 four day car meet with a track day, dyno day, and drags. The crowds and photographers will like that.

TX2K13 (No Street Racing)

I was on near-dead tires and really pedaling it out of the corners to keep the crusty rears from spinning too much and figured we were running high 1: Zach and Anna both play sloth to the second light with Zach reaching it a few seconds before Anna.

The car felt fine and did what it does best and I came in after a half-dozen laps. She expressed some concern, but knew he t2xk13 wanted tx2i13 ride. Finally, it is time to get ready so we migrate on over to the lanes with the big boys…the finals.

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We get time to enjoy the atmosphere, chat with the tons of folks that come by and visit and simply relax. So after wandering a bit the top 6 cars were brought to the hot pits for the 3 lap shootout. This would be fun!

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